Diving route in Cala Vadella – Ibiza


ANCHORAGE COORDINATES: 38° 54’ 51,86’’ N | 1° 13’ 24,73’’ E
TIME: 45 Min.
ROUTE: 500 M.

Cala Vedella is a small cove with nu-merous diving points. Of all these, the most representative is found to the north of the cove, with a rocky outcrop reaching into the sea along the coastline.


To get to this area we must look for a small track that is easy to spot. It starts just before we reach the cove, on the right hand side on a small fl at area next to the road when we see the beach ha-ving turned the last corner. This track will take us to some fi shermen’s huts, where we will start the dive.

Once in the sea, we must head south along the coastline for the rocky out-crop which will be the most interes-ting area of our dive.

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Keeping the wall of rock on our left at all times, the depth will gradually in-crease (starting at 5 metres and going deeper as we get further away from our starting point). A breakwater with large rocks on a sandy bottom at about 20 metres will be a sure sign that we are going the right way.

If we spend a while searching bet-ween these great rock formations, we can spot adult grouper, brown meagre or simply a shoal of white bream darting in and out of the nu-merous gaps in the rocks.

Once the breakwater is behind us, we will see a cliff that goes very deep, where it is quite normal to see wonderful examples of pelagic fish. If we follow this rocky outcrop we must control our time and depth, as we reach depths of 40 meters within a short distance.

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To return, we recommend that you retrace your steps, but not at such a depth so that you won’t have any problems with the air supply or bottom time.


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