Diving route in Ses Bledes Islands / Las Gorgonia – Ibiza


ANCHORAGE COORDINATES: 38° 58’ 08,18’’ N | 1° 09’ 56,79’’ E
TIME: 45 Min.
ROUTE: 200 M.

The most westerly group of small islands in the Cala d’Hort Nature Reserve are known as Ses Bledes. It is made up of seven small islands, o ering an endless range of diving opportunities unaccompanied by a professional. One of the most impressive diving trips from the wide range available is, without a doubt, the red gorgonia (Paramuricea clavata).


To the west of the island of Sa Gorra and right beside a small canal that separates it from the closest of the other islets is one of the most beautiful places on the island of Eivissa. This dive is only suitable for very experienced divers due to the depth and location of these red gorgonian on a completely vertical wall.

We anchor the boat near the canal that separates these islets and to the west of the smallest island in a small sheltered area no deeper than 10 metres.

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As an extra safety measure, we recommend using two anchor points (on both the bow and stern) since even the slightest change in wind direction may cause the boat to move dangerously close to the coast.

During the dive we will remain in the north and, therefore, to our right we will always have the cli wall as a reference point, which drops down vertically almost 60 metres.

Gorgonia roja

As soon as we start to move further away from our anchor point the depth of the water drops noticeably. However, staying at a distance of no more than 30-40 metres from the surface divers can easily see the amazing visual scene created by the red gorgonia.

Due to the fact that these sessile organisms are so fragile you must never touch them at any point. The slightest contact could break one of their delicate branches.

Artificial light reveals their reddish colour that at this depth appears to be dark grey.

If you look inside the cracks and ho- llows in the cli wall you will be able to see groupers, common mora, morey eel and a wide variety of sh that use this place as a natural shelter. With a little luck you may even see some spiny lobsters that are com- monly found at this depth.

The route back depends on whether you decide to go around the entire island or return through shallower water. Whatever way you decide, when you plan the route it is important to consider the depth at which you are diving. Therefore, we highly recommend returning to the boat through shallow water.

For peace of mind and taking into account you are diving in very deep water, it is essential to take an extra bottle on the safety line in order to be ready for any unforeseen circumstances that may a ect the air supply.


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