Kayak route from Sa Canal (Ses Salines) to Sa Caleta – Ibiza


TIME: 2.30 Hours
LONGITUDE: 5,7 Miles

We reach the starting point from Sant Josep, in the direction of Ei-vissa along the road (PM-803), to Airport turning and from there in direction of Sant Jordi or Eivissa until reaching the roundabout “Sant Jor-di – Eivissa – Sa Canal – Aeropuerto” and from Eivissa, along the Eivissa road to the Airport (PM-801), pas-sing Sant Jordi until reaching the same roundabout, in both cases, where we will take the turning to Sa Canal (PM-802). At the end of this road we will find the beach on our left.

We leave from the beginning of the beach with prow Southwards, in the direction of the quay where the salt is now loaded. Here we will be able to admire the beautiful village of Sa Canal which used to be inhabited by workers from the salt industry.


We continue bordering the coast to admire the forest of this protected area until we reach the beach Canal de s ‘Olla, where we will be able to disembark.

Later on we will reach the Punta de sa Rama, where navigation can be com-plicated on days of rough sea. We will go past leaving the islet on our port side.

Then after an impressive bay surrounded by cliff s we will reach the Cap des Falcó. This area used to be used as a hawk breeding ground and even today it is possible to see them in flight.


We continue bordering till we reach a pebble beach called Es Codolar. This is where the great Bay of es Codolar begins, where we will be able to ad-mire the Ses Salines ponds with their migratory birds. Access to the beach is complicated due to the large number of pebbles.


Further on we will be able to make out the airport runways and afterwards the built up area where we will come across some fi shermen’s huts. Navigation in this bay can be slow since it is very open and the impossibility of reaching the coast. Take extreme cautions on days of rough sea, due to formation of large waves caused by the shallowness.

At the end of this long beach we will reach the port of Sa Caleta. A fi shermen’s port with a large number of dry dock huts. Here we also find the Phoenician settlement of Sa Caleta, which to date is supposed to be the first human settlement and is included in a catalogue of assets declared a World Heritage site.


Good access for kayak disembarking, easy parking and nearby restaurant.


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