Ses Portes tower point


The tower of Ses Portes marks the southern extreme of the island of Ibiza and of the municipal district of Sant Josep. It is situated at the headland that rises between the popular beaches of Es Cavallet and Ses Salines in the natural park of the same name. It is one of the many defence structures that were built around the island, and which served as watch towers, always on the look out for potentially hostile ships and vessels. Most of these towers were built in the 18th century and that of Ses Portes was one of the first to be constructed and is bigger than the other towers. Both these facts give an idea of the strategic importance of the place, since it was an important passage for vessels passing through the Es Freus channel en route to the capital, and it was a departure point on the sea route to the lands of North Africa. The tower can be reached on foot from the car parks of Es Cavallet and Ses Salines, either by walking along the shoreline or on the paths that run through the pine and juniper woods in the gap between the sea and its sand dunes and the salt pans.

At the foot of the tower, set against the rocky shoreline, there is a small group of fishermen’s huts and slipways that open out onto the waters where, in former times, there were scenes of traditional fishing activity such as the almadraba traps set for the tuna fish. Today at this spot, visitors can enjoy a beautiful view of the tiny islets scattered between the two Pityusic islands with the largest, Espalmador, preceding the elongated shape of the island of Formentera. The turquoise waters combine the clarity of the sandy seabed with the dark shade of the Posidonia sea grass meadows, which extend to the neighbouring island and the surrounding coasts.

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